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Quick listens to enhance your practice

Podcasts offer a quick way to stay informed about the rapidly changing investment and financial planning industry. Here are two podcasts to enhance your practice.

The Law and Taxation of Charitable Gift Planning by MarketSmart, LLC

Delivered in podcast format, this lecture series by Professor Russell James, J.D., Ph.D., CFP® dives deep into planned giving law and taxation. Initially released in 2017, this podcast still provides a solid introduction to charitable gift planning for financial advisors looking to enhance this area of their practice.

The Exceptional Advisor by Investments & Wealth Institute

The Investments & Wealth Institute Exceptional Advisor podcast, now in season 2, offers interviews from financial services professionals and covers a variety of industry-related topics.

Episode 4 is dedicated to philanthropic advising, and episode 8 discusses how advisors can meet the unique needs of LGBTQ clients.

Recommended by: Mariah Brook, Director of Gift Planning

As director of gift planning, Mariah helps donors steward their gifts and manage their grantmaking to make a difference in the communities most important to them. She joined the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation in 2014.

Contact Mariah or another gift planner today.

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