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Your Clients Deserve the Best

We help you provide just that.

For decades, we have worked in partnership with wealth, estate and tax planning advisors to help individuals, families and businesses support the causes and communities they care about through donor advised funds and other offerings.

From helping your clients identify their giving goals to maximizing their tax benefits and structuring all types of gifts (we have experience with everything from business transitions to retained life estates), we can tailor a plan to turn your clients’ passions into a lasting charitable impact.

Your Go-to Place for Non-cash Gifts

Through experience, we know that donating a non-cash asset instead of cash is often more financially beneficial to both the nonprofit and the donor. The tax benefits can be higher and the non-cash assets are often more valuable. In fact, cash is one of the most tax-inefficient ways to make a gift.

The Foundation can support you and your clients to maximize their giving by supporting their favorite causes with assets like real estate, privately held stock and even farm equipment, just to name a few.

Local Expertise, Statewide Reach

Our experienced, local staff understand ongoing and emerging community needs. That specialized knowledge ensures that your clients can strategically target their gifts to match their charitable intent.

No matter what your clients’ charitable needs are, we’re here to support you.

Donor Benefits and Services

Person sitting at a laptop

Digital donor toolkit, guiding individuals and families in defining, setting and executing a bold giving vision.

Two hands shaking

Dedicated philanthropic advisor, providing guidance and advice.

Person speaking at a podium during an event

Donor-only events, with opportunities to hear and learn about local and emerging topics.

Bar chart with an arrow going up

Trusted and experienced investment team, generating strong returns.

Hand pointing to a Donate button

Online donor fund management system, making it easy to access information and recommend grants.

Articles for Advisors

Read Benefits of Having a Trusted Philanthropic Partner

Benefits of Having a Trusted Philanthropic Partner

Learn why attorney Abby Leach Schumaker partners with the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation to help her clients fulfill their giving goals.

Read Abby's story
Read The Charitable Gift of Life Insurance

The Charitable Gift of Life Insurance

Create a charitable legacy by donating a gift of life insurance.

Learn More
Read A Professional Advisor’s Guide to Charitable Conversations

A Professional Advisor’s Guide to Charitable Conversations

Here are a few tips to help you talk to your clients about charitable giving.

Learn More
Read Donating Stock to Support Your Favorite Charities

Donating Stock to Support Your Favorite Charities

Did you know that donating stock can grow your charitable impact and support your favorite nonprofit organizations?

See How



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