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North Star Society

Providing for the
Community’s Future

The generosity of North Star Society Members shines a beacon for generations to come.

The North Star Society of the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation recognizes individuals and families who provide for the community’s future by including their fund or the Foundation in their will or estate plans.

Benefits of Creating Your Giving Plan Today

Hands holding a cartoon heart

Make a significant impact

And invest in your community’s future

Cartoon hand pointing to a donate button

Receive potential tax advantages

Create a plan that fits within your larger financial picture

Person with an idea lightbulb near their head

Simplify the giving process

Make one gift and support many causes

Hand holding a dove

Continue your charitable legacy

We will honor your intent and your values in perpetuity

North Star Society

If you have already included a fund at the Foundation in your will or estate plan, please join our North Star Society by completing and returning this declaration of intent form.

Membership benefits and recognition

• Invitations to special educational and social events

• Recognition at Foundation events

• A membership certificate

• A commemorative society lapel pin

Meet Dean & Sandy

Dean and Sandy live in the Twin Cities and have been married for more than 20 years. Both are active community volunteers now that they’re semi-retired, and they’re also enjoying being able to travel and spend time with friends and family. Neither Dean nor Sandy grew up with wealth, yet they feel they grew up with strong values and were fortunate. That led them to want to help others.

Creating the Fund

Dean and Sandy created a charitable fund at the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation to help them give back to the community now, and they also have included the Foundation in their will. While their family is provided for in their estate plan, they want the remainder to support the causes and nonprofits they care about — forever.

Ensuring a Legacy

Sandy and Dean find value in the Foundation’s services today, and they trust the Foundation to help them support the community they care about in perpetuity.

Learn about Creating Your Legacy

If you’d like to learn more about the North Star Society or including the Foundation in your will or estate plan, please contact a member of our team or download our guide to making charitable gifts in your will.



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