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Christine Noonan shares how giving has become a family tradition.

For Christine Noonan, giving is a family affair. Something initially started by her parents George and Judy has morphed into a family tradition that includes three generations of givers.

Inspired by her parents' generosity, Christine and her husband decided to open a donor advised fund (DAF) of their own with the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation. Through their fund, they carry on the practice of giving, an act her children learned with her parents.

“The idea of setting aside a fund at the Foundation is a way for us to be thoughtful, more intentional and more planful in our giving,” said Christine. “Just the value of that has meant a lot to our family. To pass that on after my husband and I are gone to our children and then they know that money is there for them to be able to give to things that are important to them is really beneficial.”

In the video above, Christine talks with her philanthropic advisor Mala Thao — sharing her giving journey and how meaningful her partnership with the Foundation has been in her family achieving their giving goals. This relationship inspired Chris’ daughter Stephanie to donate to Ampersand Families after seeing the organization on a list provided by her philanthropic advisor.

To help families like Christine’s better engage in conversations about philanthropy, our philanthropic advisors utilize the 21/64 approach. The training they receive provides philanthropic advisors with tools and techniques to help multigenerational families have open conversations about values, money and giving. This is one of the services the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation offers to our fundholders.

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