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your clients can make a gift and open a fund with us in A VARIETY OF WAYS.

While cash is the most common charitable donation, there are advantages to donating other assets to start or grow a fund. Many options can provide income during a donor’s lifetime or significant tax benefits — or both. See the benefits in our giving guide for professional advisors.

Types of Non-cash Gifts

Explore the following charitable options with your clients with these downloadable guides.

Publicly traded stock and mutual funds
Publicly traded stock and mutual funds

Gifts of stock, appreciated stock or mutual funds can make an ideal charitable gift.

Real estate
Real estate

Real estate can be used to create a significant charitable legacy. It is one of the most beneficial charitable gifts for both the donor and the nonprofit.

Retirement assets
Retirement assets

Retirement assets can make excellent charitable gifts for both the donor and nonprofits and create a significant and lasting charitable legacy.

Privately held stock
Privately held stock

Your client can incorporate giving into their business transition plan by donating privately held stock.

Charitable life insurance
Charitable life insurance

Donating a life insurance policy to a donor advised fund (DAF) allows your clients to make a larger charitable gift than they ever thought possible.

Charitable gift annuities
Charitable gift annuities

A charitable gift annuity is a way to make a significant charitable gift and receive a steady income stream in return.

Charitable remainder trusts
Charitable remainder trusts

A charitable remainder trust is a way to make a significant charitable gift with a variety of assets and receive income in return.

Farm assets
Farm assets

Gifts of crops, livestock and machinery can make excellent assets to donate.

Retained life estate
Retained life estate

There is an easy way to use real estate to create a charitable legacy and simplify a client's estate at the same time. It’s called retained life estate.

Virtual currency
Virtual currency

Gifts of virtual currency, such as bitcoin, dogecoin and other cryptocurrency, can be used to establish or grow a donor advised fund.




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