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A Fund for Puerto Rico

The donor advised fund El Fondo Boricua brings people together to support Puerto Rican communities.

In 2005, Elsa Vega-Pérez founded El Fondo Boricua, a donor advised fund through the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation. Since its inception, donors and volunteers have come together to support Puerto Rican and other Latinx communities in Minnesota, and across the country.

El Fondo Boricua continues to support the needs of their community to this day. In 2017, El Fondo Boricua formed the Hurricane Maria Relief Fund through the administration of the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation. The Fund was created to support nonprofits in need of medical, emergency, development and social services after the effects of a natural disaster, and was activated again after a series of earthquakes struck Puerto Rico in late 2019 and early 2020.

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